Barnetegiak Barnetegiak

23. KORRIKAren mezua (Garazi Arrula Ruiz)


Eskuratu zure petoa, eta HARRO HERRI!


Take pride, people, even if you don't speak Basque
Let's commit ourselves to act across the board, the people united.

With pride! Let's shake up inhibitions
and mobilise the Basque people, even those around us.

Rise up! Bay of Biscay, vineyards of Araba, clay of Las Bardenas!
Rise up! Snow of the Pyrenees, iron of the mining region.
Let's dream of taking steps forward together,
gaining new ground, raising our demands.

Let's be satisfied with what we are and what we do.
Let's fill homes and streets with Basque.

With pride, in all our relations, online or in the street.
Take pride, people, and show your pride at KORRIKA!

Tribute to: Azterketak Euskaraz

At this 23rd Korrika, we want to pay homage to the group Azterketak Euskaraz (Examinations in Basque), and more specifically those who have struggled - and continue to do so - for the Spanish baccalaureate (bac or baxoa) and French Brevet National Diploma (brebeta) to be available in Basque.

Basque is their demand, just as it is for KORRIKA. At a crucial point in their studies, they have opted to place their language rights as Basque citizens above the dictates of the French government, accepting the negative consequences this decision might have for their marks.

The Azterketak Euskaraz group is made up of young people, supported in this conflict by parents and teachers. They are Basque activists, they are the protagonists of their actions, thanks to which we have the chance to recognise the efforts of several generations over 35 years. This recognition should also serve as a megaphone to publicise their difficult position: all over the Basque-speaking lands and beyond, it is important to make it known that these young people are denied the chance to complete such an important part of their academic career in their own language. For the youth of the country it may be of great symbolic value to see that, even in the most difficult circumstances, some students make an effort to opt for Basque.

Omendua: Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimotots

Unitate didaktikoak

in the world


Egunez egunekoa, herriz-herriko bilatzailea (non eta noiz), KORRIKAren egoera unean bertan eta informazio gehiago.

How to take part


Participating in the organization


Helping financially


Spreading the Korrika


Participating in the Korrika


Companies and businesses

  • Transferentzia: ES70 3035 0072 02 0720037810

  • VISA txartelaz gure webgunean: Ekarpenak

  • BIZUM bidez ekarpena eginez: "korrika", "aek", edo "2043" bilatu

Ahalegina egin behar da euskaraz bizitzeko herriaren gogotik abiatuta. Gu saiatzen ari gara premiazko babesa biltzen; horregatik, zeuek ere hizkuntza bultzatzeko helburuarekin bat egiten duzuelakoan, ekarpen ekonomiko eske gatozkizue.
